La IADMFR felicita a Aadimax, de la cual El Dr. Eduardo F. Pistacchia es socio fundador, formando parte de la comisión directiva integrada por profesionales con importante trayectoria y experiencia, como así también su amplia currícula.
Looking further south on the American continent, Argentina has also been active, with the Argentine Association of Maxillofacial Diagnostic by Images (AADIMAX) being founded on 12 October this year in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Their clear objective is to enrich the academic quality and professionalism in our country, and to promote and foster the intellectual and cultural links with similar societies abroad. The First Board of the AADIMAX consists of:
- Dr Gonzalo Abdo, President
- Dr Adriana Poletto, Vice President
- Dr Valeria Szymanowski, Secretary General
- Dr Susana Urzua, Secretary to the Board
- Dr Hugo Dagum, Treasurer
- Dr Irene Gabriela Bruno, Pro-treasurer
- Dr Ana Maria Beatriz Martinez, Vocal
- Dr Juan Carlos Remy, member
- Dr Enrique Gimenez, member
- Dr Eduardo Pistacchia, member
- Dr Gabriel Santolino, member
- Dr Eduardo Pistacchia, member
- Dr Laureano Heredia, commission of legal and ethical issues
Congratulations to these new scientific societies, which join with the Latin America Association of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology and Images (ALARID). There is no doubt that Latin America has become a new growth point of our specialty worldwide
Prof. Jorge Beltran
Regional Director IADMFR